You may be surprised after a stay at a hospital for a serious illness or injury that, in addition to medications and physical therapy, your loved one requires speech therapy. Realize that our entire body works as a unified whole. While the body has various systems that function differently, a wide array of conditions may affect oral motor skills. Perhaps a recent stroke has impaired the ability to swallow, causing changes speech patterns. Maybe an extended period of inactivity has weakened facial muscles, thereby negatively affecting typical speech patterns.
我们的言语病理学家和康复团队会见每一位居民。我们意识到您所爱的人来到 Verrazano 时可能会对最近不受欢迎的身体变化感到沮丧,但我们向您保证,我们将尽最大努力帮助我们的患者恢复最佳功能。通过回顾健康史并与患者交谈以评估您的语言能力,我们将创建一个适合个人需求的语言治疗计划。
Speech-language pathologists don’t focus only on the physical aspects of muscle function. Improving verbal communication also rests heavily on a resident’s ability to think and recall clearly. Rest assured that as we diagnose those particular aspects of your speech that need to change, we take an empathetic, friendly approach so you will feel comfortable and, above all else, full of hope and excitement.
除非患者经历过言语治疗,否则他或她可能不确定会发生什么。在 Verrazano,我们意识到语言治疗的需要不仅是能够与亲人清晰地交谈,而且还能够在社会团体或您的社区中说话。
Please contact us today to visit our living space, to look at our rehabilitation center, and to observe the daily goings-on at Verrazano, from physical therapy to arts and crafts. We are located on Castleton Ave. and look forward to showing you all we have to offer.