希望与 Verrazano 护理和急性后中心合作?请在下方查看我们的职位空缺,并立即通过电子邮件与我们联系,或填写下方的申请表。
** 必须拥有治疗性娱乐学士学位**
-- 全职家政总监
-- 全职白班保安
-- 全职社会工作总监
-- CNA - 寻找所有班次
-- LPNS - 寻找所有班次
-- 娱乐部门主管全职计费和工资单
-- 资深娱乐总监
-- 经验丰富的全职画家
Please apply using the
form below, or email your resume to:
Please contact us today to visit our living space, to look at our rehabilitation center, and to observe the daily goings-on at Verrazano, from physical therapy to arts and crafts. We are located on Castleton Ave. and look forward to showing you all we have to offer.