Verrazano 是一家技术娴熟的疗养院,入住率保持在 92% 到 95% 之间。您可能经常听到我们的员工提到,“我们的秘密就是我们的规模。”由于我们的小而紧密的社区,我们可以为我们的居民提供疗养院设施,让他们有宾至如归的感觉。
家族经营 40 多年,Verrazano 将成为您的家和避难所。因为我们都来自不同的背景,而家对每个人来说都意味着不同的东西,所以我们邀请我们的居民如果愿意的话,带上他们自己的家具。从社会服务到娱乐再到饮食工作人员,我们团队中的每个人都带着微笑来到 Verrazano。我们期待着充满我们房间和大厅的独特个性。
作为居民,您所爱的人将享受舒适的环境。 Verrazano 位于史泰登岛住宅区,步行即可到达银湖公园,是一个舒适的家。无论是眺望窗外绿树成荫的街道,还是与邻居一起享受当地景点和购物中心,Verrazano 的居民都能体验到高品质的生活和温馨的氛围。
For an enjoyable at-home feeling throughout your stay, we offer the following, to make sure all residents have the care they need under one roof:
Verrazano considers all aspects of our residents’ lives, from their dietary needs to their pastimes and hobbies. In addition to the nursing and medical attention we offer, we emphasize the importance of enjoying one’s self. Whether your family member loves creating arts and crafts projects or prefers the companionship of a cuddly, happy animal, we’ve got entertainment covered. If you have questions regarding our specific activity calendars and what a typical day is like at Verrazano, please give us a call at your earliest convenience.
Please contact us today to visit our living space, to look at our rehabilitation center, and to observe the daily goings-on at Verrazano, from physical therapy to arts and crafts. We are located on Castleton Ave. and look forward to showing you all we have to offer.